CeReClimEn – research and popular science activity

Conducting joint scientific research and undertaking promotional and educational activities in the field of climate and environmental changes (including climate reconstructions, climate change modeling, research on their social, economic and political effects) using modern communication methods.

klimat | program popularnonaukowy - playlista YouTube
planeta XXI | cykl debat eksperckich - playlista YouTube
Inspiration | a series of e-learning lectures by the CeReClimEn Center

Attention! Sosnowski’s dangerous hogweed has started to bloom in many places in Poland!

The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS) warns against a very dangerous plant – Sosnowski’s hogweed. It is an invasive alien species, which means that it can displace characteristic specimens from our native nature, causing environmental losses.

On June 5, we celebrate World Environment Day.

Today we celebrate World Environment Day. This is a good opportunity to remind how important it is to take care of our planet. “Our land. Our future. We are Re:Generation (#GenerationRestoration)” – this is the motto of the 2024 celebration.

popular science program of the CeReClimEn Center

Popular science program of the CeReClimEn Center entitled KLIMAT is dedicated to the popularization of science and business solutions, including research and implementation challenges related to climate and environmental change in an interdisciplinary approach. We present the work of experts from the world of science and business who implement sustainable living practices not only in their laboratories or companies, but also in their homes and communities. We also present technologies, innovations and projects that help protect the Earth now or have the prospect of doing so in the future.

klimat mod 5
klimat mod 3
klimat mod 1
klimat mod 2
klimat mod 4

scientific conferences of the CeReClimEn Center

The organization of international science and business conferences is a platform for cooperation between specialists raising complex challenges regarding global responsibility for the Earth from an interdisciplinary perspective. The initiative is primarily aimed at integrating scientific communities to create a deep, important theoretical foundation that determines the directions for further research activities.

konferencja 2022

a series of expert debates of the CeReClimEn Center

The idea behind the implementation of a series of expert debates entitled PLANET XXI is to create a place enabling experts, both from the world of science and business, to raise difficult issues regarding global responsibility for the Earth from an interdisciplinary perspective. However, the main goal of these expert debates is ecological education, which is extremely important because the biological potential of our planet, understood as the ability of its ecosystems to regenerate, has been critically damaged.

planeta xxi 1

a series of e-learning lectures by the CeReClimEn Center

Climate change is one of the greatest environmental, social and economic threats, the effects of which are felt all over the world. One of the goals of the CeReClimEn Center at UMCS is to popularize scientific research and implementation work on broadly understood climate change and environmental protection. This educational activity is carried out through the production of a series of e-learning lectures. Each series consists of 3 lectures on the same topic, but is prepared at 3 different levels of difficulty (i.e. basic, advanced and specialized). Due to the fact that they are addressed mainly to three groups of recipients, i.e. children and young people, students and young scientists and PhD students, and, of course, also the general public.


learning the importance of the indicated topics, that science is applied and based on technologies that make life easier

basic level

inspiracje 1 1
inspiracje 2 1
inspiracje 3 1


encouraging students to write bachelor’s or master’s theses on the subject of the lecture


inspiracje 1 2
inspiracje 2 2
inspiracje 3 2


inspiring young scientists and doctoral students to conduct all kinds of scientific research, development and implementation work and writing doctoral dissertations on broadly understood topics related to climate and environmental change through, among others, showing them the latest research issues and problems in the indicated lecture topics

specialized level

inspiracje 1 3
inspiracje 2 3
inspiracje 3 3

Centre for Climate Change and Environment Research

The Center for Climate Change and Environment Research (Centrum CeReClimEn) is a platform for interdisciplinary, interinstitutional and international cooperation, operating in a consortium formula bringing together leading scientific institutions from Poland and abroad interested in conducting joint scientific research and undertaking promotional and educational activities in the field of climate change and the environment (concerning, among others, climate reconstructions, climate change modeling, research on their social, economic and political effects).

The members and external collaborators of the CeReClim Center are scientists, experts and specialists from various fields of science

earth and environmental sciences
physical sciences
chemical sciences
biological sciences
information technology
legal sciences
economics and finance
management and quality sciences
science of politics and administration
socio-economic geography and spatial management

The technological resources of the CeReClim Center include: modern ECOTECH-COMPLEX UMCS, which is a well-equipped laboratory and analytical complex with conference, seminar and social facilities. This existing base is the basis for launching another specialized, multidisciplinary laboratory for the needs of CeReClim, which will thus constitute an excellent platform for interinstitutional and international cooperation. 

EcoTech Complex siedziba
EcoTech Complex 1
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